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Greatness in the making...

Turning your dreams into reality seems like a fairytale, one that automatically comes with smooth sailing an a happy ending. Well that is not always the case I am finding while writing my fairytale. I decided to start my own AllStar Cheer gym about 4 years ago with no experience and no clue what I was really getting myself into just a wing and a prayer. All I knew was, I loved competitive cheer and had the means to start a gym so why not, what could go wrong??? How naive of me, I really didn’t know the first thing about what it took to get a business off the ground. Started without a business plan, clear purpose or understanding for what I was actually getting into. Do you know that old saying, “God looks out for babies and fools” ? Well this was the truth in my case. I've made some very foolish and costly mistakes but from those lessons I have learned some valuable do's and don'ts. Here are some tips: First a business plan and proper research goes a long way towards success. Secondly dedication and persistence will help you over come most challenges. Third it is OK to ask for help especially when you don’t know something. Lastly at times things don't go as planned. You may temporarily feel discouraged or afraid but don't allow these feelings to overwhelm you keep your head up.

Fast forward to 2018 I now have a team we are small but growing and thriving. I've structured a business model that is a little different from the norm of all star. We are in service of athletes and families that wouldn’t traditionally experience all star, athletes that don’t meet the status quo for an “All Star athlete”. We bring youth, family and community together as one

Being a gym owner has its challenges, but i would not change this experience for the world. Thanks to my team and support system I am confident we will continue to manifest great things.

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